Remember the Fallen
SB 26: A small token of support for our fallen peace officers
Commemorative plates for Peace Officers killed in the line of duty

Senate Bill 26
- A small, but meaningful way to remember our fallen heroes
- "Peace Officers" includes Police Officers, State Troopers, VPSO's, Officers of the Court and Department of Corrections.
- Available to all residents to show their support
This bill adds a subsection to the Alaska statutes which provides for the creation and issuance of specialty license plates commemorating peace officers killed in the line of duty.
Everyday, those that have sworn to protect us put themselves in harm’s way to preserve the peace and protect their fellow citizens.
Show your support for those that protect and serve. Support SB 26!

Designs used in other states
Wall of Support
Add your voice by using the button above or sending an email to my office!
Corey Adkins
Andrew Aleksich
Kevin Armstrong
Brenda Arney
Brett Baca
Charles Baker
Amanda Bell
Jeffrey Bell
Robin Billiet
Jamie Bjork
George Boatright
Bernita Boyse
Joel Breiner
Chemene Breiner
Phil Brown
Talon Burgess
Brian Burton
Jon Butler
John Butler
Kristin Butler
Keith Caddy
Geri Cannon
Bonnie Childers
Risa Creech
Joyce Creed
Devon Deptula
Lori Dunn
Ivan Encelewski
Connie Ernst
Dominick Eubank
Darrell Evans
Jazz Fajardo
Hugo Farrar
Doug Fifer
Jordan Fifer
Kimberly Fifer
Larry Fifer
John Foraker
Matthew Fraize
Jessica Fujimoto
Clara Gallardo
Jon Gallen
Jaime Galvan
Jeffrey Gonnason
Danielle Grigg
Daniel Hartman
Tina Heikkila
Zachary Hughes
Matthew Ivacic
John Jensen
Michael Jensen
Kathleen Johnston
Ted Kroto
Craig Lamb
Giselle Lambert
Nancy Magnus
Jose Maldonado
Patrick Marrs
Stacey Martin
Aimee McCaughey
Hunter McConnel
Jason McGinnis
Jennifer Messick
Bill Miller
Kathryn Morris
Ben Nielsen
Shaylee Nigh
Daniel Nix
Mireya Osorio
Heather Palmatier
Clinton Peck
Jacob Raygor
Trina Resari-Salao
Bill Richardson
Shelly Rochon
H Ryan
Nick Ryan
Nick Saldana
Matthew Sanders
Rich Sargent
Chris Scudder
Wendi Shackelford
Lise Shore
Cory Smith
Brandon Stack
Ryan Stewman
Pam Stillings
Margie Tidwell
James Triplett
Laurie Triplett
Anna VenHuizen
Mark Wells
Samantha Whetsell
Jason Whetsell
Chad Winberg
Gary Winborg
Troy Wouters
Jessica Wolnik
Bong Yoon
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